Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Taking The Plunge

When I first built up the cajones to start a blog, I had grand notions.  I would take an online class or two to master CSS and formatting; I would finally pick up the camera and take my own photos; I would write snappy and fun posts every day.  But of course, as I said, grand notions.  Unfortunately I am a real person, with ideas and plans often far bigger than my own ability to sit down and accomplish things.  I have a job (two really), a fiance, a dog (scratch that-- two now) and the ever-looming responsibilities of being a grown up.  So I admit, I have between three and five posts started on three or four platforms. A quick note on my phone when I scan through pages and pages of photos of style.com after New York, London and Paris fashion week.  A dissection of work-life balance on a notepad by my bedside, and even a rough outline of the merits of grey as a season-immune color in my wardrobe.  Somehow, with all of that, AND the support of my family and friends, I haven't posted since August 15.  What the hell?  Sure, I can rationalize by saying that this was supposed to be something for me, and I am just too busy.  But those are bullshit excuses.  I need to (insert additional testicle reference to bravery here) and do it. So here goes.  No more excuses, I am taking the plunge.  After all, I am my own harshest critic.  So in a way I present to you (few readers) colekid 2.0 in which I go for it.  No frills, no photos (yet), just my raw opinions and hopefully, in the future, some fantastic formatting and beautiful self-created photos.  Any ideas on how to get past my blocks, my fears, and my excuses?  How have you put anxieties aside and started the process of regular blogging?

Looking forward to a new, more regular blogging experience...


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