Monday, October 7, 2013

Furry Children

Anyone who knows me, or at least follows me on social media, knows that my dogs are like my children. Somehow, it doesn't feel right to create a blog that describes my life, my opinions or my experiences without mentioning them. After all, with the rare exception of a beautiful California view, my little grubbers dominate my feed.

Campbell Jane, my wonder pet, came first. Like so many first children, she is the smart and responsive do-gooder. Except for the occasional squirrel or turkey, nothing keeps her from being right by my side. All. The. Time. In fact, she is asleep snuggled against my leg as I type. Like most parents, I am guilty of believing everything she does is great. I don't even feel sorry.

Then there is the newest addition to the Fox clan, Riggins. Named for the beautiful, if not somewhat simple, footballer with the heart of gold from Friday Night Lights; I am constantly finding that our new puppy has more than just good looks in common with his namesake. While sweet, he is as naughty as they come.

Now that I've introduced my furry babies, it feels appropriate to jump on a soap box for a moment and talk about the piece of animal ownership which I am most passionate about. While both beautiful, wonderful, perfect (for us) members of our family, both our dogs (and our elusive kitty, Cinder) are rescues. When I started this post, I imagined that it may be far more of a vehicle for me to brag senselessly about my glorious and beloved babies and show off pictures of what will obviously be the best looking pups anyone has ever seen on the Internet (biased, I admit). I also knew that there's no discussion of my dogs that doesn't include the value of rescue. I grew up living with shelter dogs and my Mom was always telling me about the extra special way that rescue animals look at their owners (it's there, anyone with a rescue pet can vouch). It was such a great pleasure to see blogger Courtney share her new adopted pooch, Fancy.

How about you guys? I want to hear all about your furry babies, and the special ways you came to find them!

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