Friday, August 9, 2013

And So It Begins

Hello and welcome to The Cole Kid!  After years of navigating the blog world as an anonymous reader, I decided to take the plunge myself.  Like so many of my generation, I have turned to the internet and social media to guide me in my forays into amateur cooking , personal style and lifestyle, and even naming and selecting my first dog.  I grew up with the internet and as it grows and changes, this means religious blog following.  I have been reticent to present my own adventures for various reasons.  A fear of judgment, lack of HTML knowledge and deepest of all; the thought that my point of view is uninteresting and recycled at best.  But as I dive into young adulthood, I have realized that all opinions are a modification of things we see and hear.  Why shouldn’t my opinion get out there? 

I don’t intend to suggest that my points of view are cutting edge, that my recipes are gourmet or that I am in expert in any way. I hope to use this blog as a creative outlet (as many bloggers have admitted was the initial kickstart to their own creations) for my ideas, and a way to track my post-college life.  The truth is, I love to write, I have a bottomless sartorial hunger and as I settle into domestic life I am hoping that my adventures, however mundane and simple, can provide a point of view and a perspective that someone could glean inspiration from.  

In the posts to follow, I will share my own personal style, recipes I use and love and inspiration that I gather from my own blog-hunting.  Because this blog aims to serve as a journal of sorts, I may also include pieces of my own life and travels, photos of my dog (simply unavoidable!) and recommendations for books, restaurants and other products and services I find.  I hope that I can find a readership willing to embark on this journey with me, and I look forward to engaging in the internet community.  Thank you for your consideration.  I hope with time, I can present and polished, fresh and visually appealing guide to my own experiences as fashion addict, outdoor adventurer and culinary newbie. As my Mom loves to say, “I’m not even sorry.” 

Wish me luck!

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